Ever since I was a little girl my mama has always said, “Mija, dejate querer.” Every time I leave her house, when I’m loading the car with groceries, or need help with something, she says it. It means, let yourself be loved.

My translation of this sweet Latinx saying is let you love you, let people love you, let people help you, take care of yourself, be loving and kind to yourself, and let others be loving and kind to you as well. These three words changed my life forever. It encompasses the wholeness of self care. It gives you a big hug. It means more than it sounds.

It’s meaning will be with me forever, it guides my day, it allows me to be gentle and kind to myself, and take really good care of myself. I didn’t “hear” my mama saying this to me in the way she has always meant it until a few years ago.

I get it now and I am so grateful for this little treasure of a gift that is one of the most important messages in my life. So today, let yourself be loved. Give yourself a hug. Take a deep breath. We all deserve to love ourselves each and every day. My mama said so.

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